Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Soul Project: Journey into the Self through Words

I am happy to say that 2007 is my tenth year as a Creative Writing Teacher.

Teaching Creative Writing is just as important as writing Creative Writing. I have always been passionate about spreading the rapture of the Craft beacause I understand that things are forgotten when people stop believing.

A Basic Creative Writing Class is not there to create award winners. It is there to give hope, and to show the students what one can possibly be in his or her heart for even one moment. It is there to present a world, a life, a passion. A Creative Writing teacher's best hope is that they would at least try to let themselves feel something through words.

A Basic Creative Writing Teacher should be patient and determined to teach the writing life. Must say things simply. Not talk down.

Spread the Craft. Don't keep it for yourself. When you die, it dies with you. Immortality is about progeny.

Check out this link to listen to fledgeling writers. They made this recording as a Christmas gift for the class.

P.S. Creative Writing in UST is from June to October. This means that they made this recording with out the need to be graded. They just made it because they needed to be heard.

The Soul Project: Journey into the Self Through Words



i'm enrolling in the creative writing class. that's if i can.

j macam said...

hi ner, kumusta ka na day? c jun ini upod mo bla sa pangalay. ari email ko o.

jun macam

Norman said...

dear friend...your book/cd is great, I just finished reading it yesterday and listening to your cd today. It reminded me so much of the past that it seems like a time machine. I'm amazed and sorry that I wasn't there to support you launch it. You do know who I am I'm sure, this is my pseudo identity just in case, I wouldn't want to get fired for possible rants that I might blurt out in cyberspace ;) Live Strong. Always a friend.

ray said...

'could never forget the potato word, ms G... 'enjoyed every moment in your class. =D

R_Fenix said...

a Creative Writing Class is an arena where people show to those who can't see that there is something to see; for those who can't feel that there is something to feel.

That there is such a thing as a word with soul.

And that in this generation, despite of all the hype of mediocrity and the loss of identity would be the identity itself that everyone is craving for, we still know.