Thursday, April 20, 2006

Surviving Wild-The Rants

When I am not writing, I am dancing. When I am not dancing, I am gardening. When I am gardening, I think of cooking. I cook in my garden on my little camping stove, in my little pots and pans. All the time.

I have a rooftop room, hot and cold water, an air conditioner but I like eating close to the ground. I sleep with all my windows and doors open. I wake up when the curtains billow. I love feeling the wind run madly into my room knocking books down. I would rather walk than ride and if I have to ride anything I'd take trains, boats, and buses. Always de luxe but never first class. I love being with people. I don't necessarily talk to them. I love being still around them. I love watching how people take life on.

There is probably no possible way to "civilize" me.

I was raised to love wide spaces. And I don't mean mansions.

I love spinning in the fields. Rolling on hillsides. I am more afraid of people than of snakes.

I believe writers, twenty and above who have survived writing well after graduation and literary workshops and awards, are strong wild ones who learned to say I don't care about you ....ers I will write.

I believe dancers, twenty and above who have survived dancing well after graduation and dance workshops and awards, are strong wild ones who learned to say I don't care about you ....ers I will dance.

Plain clothes folks who laugh are dense about their own lack of the primal dreaming out loud. Worse, they might be people who allow fashion to exist only in books, movies and the ramp, maybe even only in their own writing.

Oh, and people who call other people gold diggers are the gold diggers. I will never understand such crass behavior from seemingly open-minded people. (Who can ever get over that?)

Some people get hurt and never recover. Beware of the people who get hurt and grow wild.

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